Collection Account Disable SOP-QB

Collection Account Disable SOP-QB

Process Overview:

  • A Cron will run on every 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th day of the month.
  • The manual charging will take place in the next 2 working days.
  • Post the manual charging, the AR ageing report will be created by ops SPOC.
  • Through AR ageing, the account will be allocated to the collection advisors on the 11th day of every month.
  • Any account after 60 days from the date of the invoice, if still unpaid, should be disabled.
  • The collection team will work on disabled cases for the next 10 working days; after completion of duration, no response, no contact & no payment received cases, send it to CSM.
  • The CSM team will work on those cases for the next 10 working days, and after completion of this duration, no contact, no response, and no payment received cases will be assigned to support for server reclaim.
  • The final check on server reclaim must be done by the billing team before marking the case as "Cancelled.”.


Collection Process:

The billing team will prepare the AR aging report by the 10th day of every month.

The collection handbook live sheet should be updated in real time by the assigned collection agents.

Accounts are categorized based on age: 1–30 days ("Fresh Due"), 31–60 days ("Back Due"), and 61+ days ("Bad Debt").

  1. Ticket Assignment:

1.       The collection cases will be allocated to the collection agents through the collection handbook live sheet by the 11th day of every month.

2.       The collection agent will work on the cases until the 10th day of the next month.

3.       Tickets will be automatically assigned to the collection team under the "Collection Bucket." (Using the mail merge mechanism)

4.       The collection agent must ensure 4 attempts (3 emails and 1 call) per case.

5.       Email and call attempts should be alternatively used, as stated below.

a)       e.g.- 1st information on the due amount will be send to client via email, if the client reverts on the email the agent needs to continue the follow up on the same channel.

b)      In case of no response from the client to the sent email, the next attempt must be made through call channel.

c)       Activity a & b will keep rotating until the collection agent achieved the pre-defined attempt count.

d)      All assigned case must be attempted by the collection agents.

e)      Minimum of 1 attempt needs to be ensure by the collection agents.

  1. Collection Query respond.

1.       If any client (unpaid account) responds back to the collection team either through a call, chat, or email channel, the response should be made by the assigned collection team within 48 working hours.

2.       In the case of a duplicate query raised by the client, the same needs to be merged by the agent who is handling the case.

Documentation & Definition (Only for Collection team):


The collection agents need to choose the ticket issue category & sub-issue category on the ZOHO ticket desk as per below table.


Issue Category

Sub-issue category

Sub-issue category Definition

Payment follow-up


Payment follow-up 1

Indicates completion of the first follow-up

Payment follow-up 2

Indicates completion of the second follow-up

Payment follow-up 3

Indicates completion of the third follow-up

Payment follow-up 4

Indicates completion of the last follow-up

Promise to pay

Indicates that the client has a promise to pay and is given a specific date (date documentation is mandated here).

Broken Promise

Indicates non-adherence to the promise to pay

Check confirmation request

It indicates that the confirmation of the cheque payment is awaited.

Sent for disable

It indicates that the collection team has made all four attempts, and the client is not responsive. Such a case needs to be sent to the support team for account details.

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